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Users' works

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Luke Inn - Demo Trailer / Gabriel Dias

Luke Inn - Demo Trailer / Gabriel Dias
My song is used

Mr. Arocena and Penny Play OP 2 / Mr. Arocena and Penny

Mr. Arocena and Penny Play OP 2 / Mr. Arocena and Penny
My song is used

(Homemade) Anime Opening - 進撃の立方体 (Attack on Cube) / vertexian

(Homemade) Anime Opening - 進撃の立方体 (Attack on Cube) / vertexian
My song is used

Scars of Summer / Shinachiku-castella(R18)

Scars of Summer / Shinachiku-castella
My songs are used

Dzwiedziu's Bizarre Adventure / Dzwiedz24

Dzwiedziu's Bizarre Adventure / Dzwiedz24
My songs are used

Go Live and stream to your friends directly in Discord / Discord

Go Live and stream to your friends directly in Discord / Discord Inc.
My songs are used

Sayonara Electric / KaminGames

Sayonara Electric / KaminGames
My songs are used

Monster Company Ver.3 / Blue Creator

Monster Company Ver.3 / Blue Creator
My songs are used

RISING SAGA(demo) / Harold 2.0

RISING SAGA / Harold 2.0
My songs are used


Joined as a recording engineer

Lucio-Oh's Fan Commercial (Overwatch Fight Animation) - "Dab Smack" / dillongoo

Lucio-Oh's Fan Commercial (Overwatch Fight Animation) - Dab Smack / dillongoo
My song used

Fortnite the Anime (Fortnite Animation) / Chimaru

Fortnite the Anime (Fortnite Animation) / Chimaru
My song used

D.Va UNLEASHED - D.Vangelion in the Franxx (Overwatch Fight Animation) / dillongoo

D.Va UNLEASHED - D.Vangelion in the Franxx (Overwatch Fight Animation) / dillongoo
My song used
YouTube Channel

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A popular song 1・2 no 3・4 feat. Hatsune Miku
A popular song Rainy day

Buy me a coffee

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com
You can buy me a coffee from 3 USD!
If you do and I have saved a good deal, I restart making songs for free!